3rd Quarter Employers’ School – Redding
Posted on: January 23rd, 2014August 6, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.McConnell Foundation
800 Shasta View Drive
Redding, CA 96003
Accident Investigation
Presented by: InterWest Loss Control Services Department
Prompt and thorough investigation is critical in any industrial accident. The information gathered provides details to help establish the facts. There are many different reasons why accidents occur. Was it a lack of training, the need for different training, a better routine process, updated equipment or maintenance of equipment, or a different level of personal protective equipment? The benefit to employers proactively participating in aggressive accident investigation is a significantly improved safety/prevention process. In our seminar, we will introduce key elements of accident investigation from the property/liability as well as workers’ compensation perspectives.
Workers’ Compensation Claims Management for Supervisors
Presented by: Jennifer Weathersbee, InterWest Insurance Services, Inc.
Why the urgency to investigate on-the-job injuries? Why all the paperwork? What happens if you delay reporting to HR or the Safety Manager? This seminar, designed specifically for Supervisors, will arm attendees with the basic knowledge and skills needed to properly manage an industrial injury from the moment it occurs. We will discuss employer obligations and important timeframes, affirmative defenses, red flags, and the benefits of first aid and modified duty programs. Attendees will leave with a solid understanding of the impact of claims to a company’s bottom line and the importance of a strong employer-level investigation.